Immediate market-based wage increase, PLUS 18.77% compounded wage increases, Health & Welfare improvements
Atlanta, Georgia – On August 30, 2024, the American Train Dispatchers Association (ATDA) reached a tentative 5-year agreement with Norfolk Southern (NS) to increase wages and address quality of life issues for their Train Dispatchers. The agreement is the third between ATDA and a Class I railroad during the past 8 days, as the union previously agreed to terms with CSX and BNSF on August 22nd and 23rd, respectively.
The ATDA-NS agreement includes general wage increases of 17.5% over five years (before compounding), as well as a market rate wage adjustment to better align the compensation of NS Dispatchers with their Class I counterparts. If ratified, the total compensation package will mark the largest total wage increase for NS dispatchers in any round of bargaining in over 25 years (excluding those obtained through Presidential Emergency Board 250 in 2022). It will also represent the first comprehensive agreement reached between the parties outside of national bargaining since 2009.
In addition to the wage increases and other features of the week's previous Class-I agreements, the NS deal features several additional work rule improvements. Among these are important enhancements to agreement language covering vacation, sick leave, and scheduling.
ATDA President Ed Dowell commented on the Agreement by saying, “A comprehensive agreement on NS is long overdue. I commend our ATDA bargaining team, comprised of Vice President Brandon Denucci, Vice President Colin Thurman, General Chairman Nick Serrano, and System Treasurer Craig Duncan. They were each instrumental in advocating our demands to the carrier. I would also like to personally thank NS President and CEO Alan Shaw for reaching out to me and addressing our concern that our NS members' wages and benefits were lagging behind the other Class 1 railroads. This agreement represents real progress.”
ATDA Vice President Brandon Denucci, who served as the Organization's lead negotiator, stated, “This is truly a historic agreement, not only in terms of wages, but also in terms addressing several long-sought after quality-of-life improvements for the NS train dispatchers. It could not have been possible without the dedication and determination of General Chairman Nick Serrano, System Treasurer Craig Duncan, and the assistance of ATDA Vice President Colin Thurman. I'd also like to thank President Dowell for his help in getting this agreement across the finish line. Together, the team worked tirelessly to get the results our members deserve, and it shows.”
NS General Chairman Nick Serrano added, “I want to thank the NS members who gave me valuable feedback on their priorities for this round of bargaining. I can confidently say that this agreement reflects the opinions expressed in the surveys I conducted and I'm excited to present it to the members. The deal features radically accelerated vacation accrual, a significant pay increase that brings us in line with our Class I peers, and many other financial incentives and enhancements. A vote for the contract will also permanently provide 2 predictable rest days per week to all GATD dispatchers (up from 1 per week in a pilot program).
I'd like to thank our negotiating team, including Vice President Denucci, Vice President Thurman, and System Treasurer / VGC Craig Duncan. They each added important perspective to this process and helped achieve results. Finally, thanks to President Dowell for helping to negotiate the loose ends and get us to the finish line.”
View the Agreement View the Memorandum