Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad

ATDA reaches 5-year agreement with BNSF to increase wages and accelerate paid vacation accrual

18.77% compounded Wage Increases, acclerated paid vacation accrual, Health & Welfare improvements

August 23, 2024

Fort Worth, Texas – On 8/23/2024, the American Train Dispatchers Association (ATDA) reached a tentative 5-year agreement with the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad (BNSF) that will increase wages, accelerate paid vacation accrual, and add other contractual improvements. The wage increases established by the agreement total 17.5% over 5 years, with a frontloaded raise schedule that compounds to 18.77%.

Additionally, the agreement accelerates the paid vacation accrual schedule, so Dispatchers reach each service threshold faster. This will provide them with more paid vacation, sooner, at multiple points throughout their careers. The agreement also features improvements to the healthcare plan, while further negotiations will be planned for the near future.

ATDA President Ed Dowell lauded the new agreement, stating, “This agreement proves that it doesn't take years to reach a fair wage and healthcare agreement. Over the next few months, ATDA and BNSF will continue to bargain for additional quality of life and work rule changes. I'd like to thank Vice President Kevin Porter and General Chairman Kevin Ketcham for all they did to make this happen. Given that this is the second significant agreement we've reached with BNSF this year, I'd also like to thank Vice President of Labor Relations Sam Macedonio and his team for their continued cooperation.”

ATDA Vice President Kevin Porter, the Organization's lead representative to BNSF, echoed these sentiments, by saying “The Carrier's willingness to engage on the local level and its departure from the NCCC is historic. But even more significant is that we've obtained these wage increases, with improved Dental and Vision benefits, and without our members' families enduring 2 to 3-year delays.”

BNSF System General Chairman Kevin Ketcham, ATDA's lead local representative in the negotiations, added the following, “I'd like to thank ATDA leadership for their hard work in helping us to secure this tentative agreement. It rightfully rewards the hard-working Rail Traffic Controllers on the BNSF system with contractual improvements they deserve.”

View the Agreement View Side Letter on Work Rules